A chemically superior peel that achieves optimum skin resurfacing alone or in conjunction with our laser or Medical dermabrasion. The good news is that using Blue Peel in conjunction with our laser can help you make every laser treatment as perfect as possible.Formulated by internationally renowned dermatologist and chemical peel expert Dr. Zein Obagi, Blue Peel safely and effectively expands the power of skin rejuvenation.
A well- tolerated procedure, Blue Peel rarely produces erythema or inflammation. Patients can thus resume their normal lives more quickly after Blue Peel than after CO2 lasers or Medical dermabrasion. Blue Peel healing is relatively painless and occurs with seven to ten days.
Skin that’s been Blue peeled heals faster that skin that’s experienced other procedures. For example, after CO2 lasers or medical dermabrasion, skin can take two weeks or more to heal and my stay red for three to six months.
How Does It Work?
Unlike common alpha hydroxyl peels or at-home procedures, the Obagi Blue Peel puts control of your treatment in professional hands. Based on your individual needs and skin conditions, your Physician will determine the strength of the peel.
The Obagi Blue Peel uses Tricholoracetic Acid (TCA) as the active ingredient mixed with the patented Blue Bases from Obagi. Your Physician will apply the Obagi Blue Peel based on your level of damage and your desired level of Transformation.
What To Expect
The Obagi Blue Peel procedure takes less than an hour in your Physician’s office and does not typically require sedation. Your skin professional will apply the Blue Peel typically to your face and neck. A mild burning sensation will occur that generally lasts only a few minutes. Then you may experience a bluish tint to your skin that usually washes off in 12 – 24 hours. Your Physician will advise you on how many peels are needed to give you the desired result.
Depending on the strength and depth following the procedure, you will experience light swelling. Within two – three days, your skin will begin to peel. This peeling continues over the next several days. By the seventh to tenth day, your skin should be healed.
Once your skin has completely recovered and is finished peeling, you will notice a visible improvement in your complexion. Yours skin’s appearance should continue to improve for the next four to six weeks, becoming firmer, clearer, smoother, healthier and more youthful looking.