Moles of the head and neck region are common among all ages with no predilection for males or females. There are many different methods to achieve the desired results. However some procedures are more envasive than others and can leave a scar.
Dr. Flugrad.
Men have a difficult time shaving and women usually have a more cosmetic concern. These moles can be anywhere on the face including the eyelids. Moles that change color and size should be biopsied. Moles that are normal in size and shape can be removed in the office under local anesthesia.With the high incidence of melanoma and basal cell it is our office policy to always recommend patients to see a Dermatologist at least once a year for full body mapping and examinations.
Our office has used liquid nitrogen to freeze a mole, however with liquid nitrogen the results can be rather unsightly, being depressed and sometimes leaving white scars. The other method commonly in use is to excise the mole. This method will leave an incision sight. Both of these methods don’t compare to radio-wave surgery in the results.
Dr. Flugrad.
The Ellman Radiowave uses ultra high frequency radio waves to remove the lesion. Moles can be easily removed with little or no scarring. Using our new Ellman 4.0 Dual RF, I am able to obtain excellent and consistent results with minimal to no bruising, swelling, scarring or other complication. Plus radiosurgery is gentle, effective with minimal recovery time. I have taken the course at the Ellman Educational Institute that has certified me in the use of radio-wave surgery.
If any lesion is suspicious I will automatically biopsy the lesion.